Isabel Cristina Xavier da Silva - English
tutor RA:
Student: Yuri
Year: 9th grade - Private school
Content: Present perfect
Methodology: Multiliteracy is a “…kind of
pedagogy […] in which language and other modes of meaning are dynamic
representational resources, constantly being remade by their users as they work
to achieve their various cultural purpose” (NLG, 1996, p. 64).
This methodology gives him knowledge about how it is important to study
language in different sorts of contexts.
Content: Present perfect
Step-by-step to an English class:
1. Analyze the picture and ask some
comprehension questions.
2. Provide the student with a few more
contextualized examples.
3. Explain the new subject and use real
4. Ask him some simple examples.
5. Check comprehension, ask him a few simple,
straightforward questions about Present Perfect.
6. Elicit what he is supposed to do the
7. Give him time to complete the
8. Explain the difference between since and
9. Give him some examples.
10. Do some exercises - for and since.
11. Play a game - this game the student has
to use the present perfect in all forms.
This is the opportunity to analyze his
development in his English.
In this class, I will use English and
Portuguese because he doesn't know English. In his school, his English classes
are only in Portuguese.
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