domingo, 26 de abril de 2020

Example of activity for Simple Present

Isabel Cristina Xavier da Silva - English tutor                      RA: 211425

Studend: Emanuelly

Year: 7th grade - Private school

Content: Simple Present 

Methodology: Communicative approach

"The communicative approach is based on the idea that learning language successfully comes through having to communicate real meaning. When learners are involved in real communication, their natural strategies for language acquisition will be used, and this will allow them to learn to use the language." Site: British Council -

Emanuelly's purpose in studying English is to develop her English skills beyond in the classroom and we produce real and meaningful communication according to her objectives.

Step-by-step to an English class:

  1. Analyze the picture and ask her some questions.
  2. The student analyzes the picture and describes it. I should introduce a new subject.
  3. Explain with contextualized examples of the simple present.
  4. Provide the student with a few more contextualized examples.
  5. Check comprehension, ask her a few simple, straightforward questions about Simple present.
  6. Elicit what she is supposed to do the exercises.
  7. Give 5 minutes to complete the exercise.
  8. Check her answer.
  9. Introduce some daily routine vocabulary.
  10. Ask the student to repeat after you.
  11. Give her an example of Daily routine. There is a text and she will change the text's information and put her information.
  12. Speaking part - Ask her some questions about her routine. This part of your student is free, I should analyze her evolution to speak English.

In this class, I will use English and Portuguese in punctual moments, she has known a basic level of English.

She would like to improve her English.

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