The main objective of this private lesson: To learn what are phrasal verbs, to try to memorize at least a few of the most commonly used with "GET", and why they are so diverse in an easier way.

 Learn and use phrasal verbs!


1. Is it because there are so many of them that are difficult to remember what to use?

2. Because one phrasal verb can have multiple meanings;

3. Or, because many of them are idiomatic, so their meaning is not always as the separate words suggest.

 Here are some tips on how to use phrasal verbs for EFL students,

 And, you may have some questions:


1.    Is it transitive or intransitive?


 2.    Is it separable or inseparable?


3.    They're just multi-word verbs?


So, what is a Phrasal Verb?


 And, how can I find the right phrasal verbs to practice?

This is an introductory lesson to the subject of phrasal verbs. Here, I just want to demonstrate some of the most used of them with the word GET. For the student to have the necessary deepening in this theme, he must study the subjects divided by topics, given the extent and the countless uses that can be attributed to phrasal verbs.

 Suggested activity:

 Watch the video available at:


And try to identify all phrasal verbs in it. Now, try to figure out their meanings and describe it with your own words. Afterward, let´s discuss your findings and see if it matches their real meanings, but don´t you worry! This is purely an exercise and it is a good one to learn about this new subject.  Have fun!

This lesson is designed to be taught in our English school, for 1 or 2 students in a private and reduced class environment. The main goal is to reinforce the preparation for the Toefl, Toeic, or any proficiency tests exams that adopt similar evaluation approaches. The student's profile requires that they are already, at least,  in the B2, the upper-intermediate levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment abbreviated in English as CEFR or CEF or CEFRL. This lesson fits students of the C1, advanced level of the EFL methodology, as well. The format is perfectly adequate for the use of the aforementioned profiles of students as it is going to be shown as follows.



·         What is the specific goal/learning objective of this lesson plan?


The purpose of this work is to prepare students to be able to pass in proficiency tests exams of international evaluation institutes of the English language as a foreign language in several countries around the world.

The main goal is to help students to be able to communicate in English as natural as possible, without losing sight of the correct way of using words, phrases, and some important grammar aspects. But it is not the goal to be too harsh in this last item that is grammar skills. They are going to have to better develop a very specific set of skills. They are going to have to be able to listen and comprehend audio and video talks in a foreign language. And then they will mark the correct answers in a questionnaire

Therefore, the aim is in the TOEFL and TOEIC dynamics of evaluation that are very focused on listening comprehension, especially in their test versions applied in many of the accredited English courses in Brazil with international institutions. The schools are usually prepared with equipment and professionals able to support the evaluation process.  The second goal of this lesson is to help students to interpret texts and audiovisual information that have a certain level of complexity as required in the international exams. In this particular case, to help students to be able to listen and comprehend, and to be able not only to understand the full content of the message but also to develop the skills to transmit the message in a conversation mode.


Thus, this lesson aims to help students to achieve all the necessary capabilities aforementioned, and will also help them to become better and ethical oriented professionals. They are going to be aware of the type of information they share with others, and with companies and anyone else on the internet.  To be able to think and act responsibly, to become self-aware of important issues regarding this technology and information era we are living in. To become better world citizens.


More context: What is this lesson about, what´s in it?


The researcher talks about the world today, the era of awe and advancements in information, Artificial Intelligence, communication, entertainment and learning, a whole universe of possibilities; and also alerts about the perils and threats that the internet may represent if a person lacks the habilities, the caution, and the knowledge to better use it. The students and the general public have to be aware of everything they do, and what personal informations they share, to be able to be safe, and to do good use of the internet tools.


·         What materials are necessary to teach this lesson effectively?

In this lesson, the students are going to listen to what the researcher and professor Juan Enriquez says in the video: TED TALK:  Juan Enriquez: Sua vida online, permanente como uma tatuagem, available in this link:

It will be used a computer, a worksheet, a blackboard, and a questionnaire as well.


·         What types of activities will best help my students learn this lesson?

  • In the first place, the students are going to listen and pay attention to what the professor of the  TED talk session says, it is also encouraged to them to take notes because they are going to share their thoughts with the other student and the teacher afterward. So, there will be the right moment for them to share their thoughts and impressions of the content presented in the TED talk short video. There is going to be a discussion of the main issue and also the topics involved in the problem shown in the video. The students are also going to answer questions designed to facilitate the understanding of the topics and the discussion proposed.


·         Which group sizes are best for each activity and will best aid students in their learning processes?

The main question will be discussed, at first, between the 2 students. Then, they are going to discuss and present their thoughts to the teacher. The teacher will act as a guide, though he or she is not going to be allowed to intervene too much in the conversation between the students. The reason for that is because it is going to be the right time for students to do their best, to show critical thinking at the same time that they practice their English skills at will, to become free of the restraints that they are so used to.

The fear of being ridiculed or expressing themselves is going to be avoided because there is no full classroom to talk to and the learning process will flow as naturally as it can be, without the known psychological restraints of everyday school environments.





TED TALK:  Juan Enriquez: Sua vida online, permanente como uma tatuagem:





The worksheet starts with a speaking warm-up activity and here the students are going to be asked to answer 3 questions each, or the teacher will put the keywords on board and have a  discussion directly with the students on what these phrases are related to and discover what the topic of the lesson is (without handing out the worksheet). Next, there is one vocabulary exercise that is designed to teach some keywords from the video (to help understand it).  What follows is the video stage during which students will have to watch the TED talk and later answer some comprehension questions. The other listening task is focused on getting the details as students need to explain the connection between some objects and characters after watching a 2-minute part of the speech.





1.    Discuss the following points in pairs:



a)    How do you think big data, tattoos, and immortality can be connected?


     b)    What can an electronic tattoo be?



     c)What information about you can be found on the Internet?




2.    Match the words below with the definitions (a-h):






a)    to express strong emotions

b)    to be known or discovered finally and surprisingly

c)    the ability to live forever

d)    to tell someone that you will kill or hurt them or cause problems if they do not do what you want

e)    to learn something

f)     to join, to connect

g)    to turn upside down

h)    unable to concentrate because of something





3.    Watch the TED talk and answer the following questions:


a)    What examples of electronic tattoos did the speaker mention?


b)    What does the Facedeals camera do?


c)    How does the speaker change Andy Warhol’s theory?




Now watch a part of the video (3:22 – 5:20) again and check your answers.






4.    Discuss these points in small groups:



A.    How large is your electronic tattoo? What information and where do you share with the world?



B.    Do you think people are not anonymous online? How can we be anonymous on the Internet?



C.   What kind of data should people want to keep private?




Private lessons, purposes, and objectives:

The main objective of his private lessons: To make sure he is going to pass the English proficiency test demanded to enroll in a US College using grants from a Brazil - USA government international cooperation program in the field of Education. The test applied is going to be the IELTS  (International English Language Testing System) or the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language). The student can choose between one of them.


Context and strategies:

Mario is a college student at a renowned public university in Brazil, and because he is a great student he was considered apt to try to join in an international educational cooperation program in his education field. He studies electrical engineering, and he is going to enroll in a college in California state. The cooperation program was signed between the minister of education of his country and the Education Department of the USA.

To enter higher education in the USA, students are required to take tests called SAT, SAT II, and ACT, which are tests equivalent to the National Exam of Middle Education in Brazil. Nevertheless, Mario was excused from the aforementioned tests because the agreement signed between the countries provides for this. There is no need for these tests because the student is already attending university in Brazil.


The purpose of his private classes is to become able to understand English at the specific level that is demanded, foreign students to attend classes in the University environment in the U.S. He needs to achieve the C-1 level of the Common European Framework.  He is currently a B-2, or upper-intermediate level student of the foreign language and he has been having lessons of the demanded level which is a C-1 advanced level in a regular English course in his hometown. He also has experience in reading academic engineering books in the English language because some books of his field are only written in the foreign language and have not been translated yet to his native language that is the Brazilian Portuguese.


He has some difficulties in verbal tenses, phrasal verbs, in the use of prepositions and articles and needs to enrich the vocabulary to be able to understand complex texts required in the university environment. So, merely technical English in the engineering field or even the B-1 level that he already achieved maybe would not be enough to have his enrollment approved and validated for the course in the USA.



He only has three months to prepare for the proficiency test, so he needs daily private lessons, two hours long each, and two more hours of individual studies daily to make sure he will succeed and pass the required exams by the American university.


The activities follow the line of reasoning of tests applied to students native to the United States, this is why the Brazilian student who wants to enter a university needs this specific leveling. The American University, however, already has the understanding that the Brazilian student has merit in the higher engineering course, so he will only be charged, in this stage, the general and specific knowledge of the English language to enter the engineering course in the same area in California.


Classes will be taught using specific books and audiovisual methods designed to achieve the intended goals. Part of the material will be provided by the university in Brazil, following the guidelines of the US Ministry of Education and the State University of California.  Although, he is going to have to acquire, at his expense, a specific book of the tests he is going to use in his private lessons with the teacher.





Preparation for general and specific knowledge issues. Focus on specific issues in the target academic area. Individual classes with the use of proper material. Classes and exercises that aim on the most required language skills, especially for the first year at university in the USA. The time for performing the simulated tests must be measured.


Classes will be taught with a focus on how the English language proficiency test is applied, including all its stages and the required knowledge to be able to pass the exam.



It is important to notice that this method has already been tested and obtained excellent results on previous occasions. The methodology used proved to be highly effective. And to achieve the goals, routine, dedication, effort, patience, and responsibility were required. The concepts of the SWOT analysis which are: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats also integrate the methodology, and with that, it was possible to maximize the gains in the relatively short period to reach the desired ends.


Main Objective: This activity's main objective is to improve the student's ability to understand English texts used in normal writing, made by natives, using the words and grammar rules that are applied in everyday use, by doing this, the student will acquire multiple words, phrase structures, and expressions at one time.

Methodology: The communicative approach focuses on language as a means of communication. Recognizes that all communication has a social objective - the student wants to be understood and understood.

Required Materials: Computer, charts, pictures, whiteboard, sound system.

Lesson ProcedureThis activity consists of 4 main parts:

1st: Copy of the text from the source (could be a whiteboard or screen), one paragraph at a time, leaving some space between the paragraphs to translations that will occur later.

2nd: Reading of the text, the students will repeat after the teacher to acquire the correct pronunciation, and immediately after, start to translate that paragraph that they just finished reading.

3rd: After reading and translating, the students will summarize the main ideas and create a text that is no more than 1/3 of the size of the original text.

4th: The students will read the summarized version of the original text to the teacher.

Expected results: Improve in general Speaking and Listening skills, improve speech recognition, and more articulated vocabulary. 

Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egypt was a civilization of ancient North Africa, concentrated along the lower reaches of the Nile River, situated in the place that is now the country Egypt. Ancient Egyptian civilization followed prehistoric Egypt and coalesced around 3100 BC (according to conventional Egyptian chronology) with the political unification of Upper and Lower Egypt under Menes (often identified with Narmer). The history of ancient Egypt occurred as a series of stable kingdoms, separated by periods of relative instability known as Intermediate Periods: the Old Kingdom of the Early Bronze Age, the Middle Kingdom of the Middle Bronze Age and the New Kingdom of the Late Bronze Age.


Egypt reached the pinnacle of its power in the New Kingdom, ruling much of Nubia and a sizable portion of the Near East, after which it entered a period of slow decline. During the course of its history, Egypt was invaded or conquered by a number of foreign powers, including the Hyksos, the Libyans, the Nubians, the Assyrians, the Achaemenid Persians, and the Macedonians under the command of Alexander the Great. The Greek Ptolemaic Kingdom, formed in the aftermath of Alexander's death, ruled Egypt until 30 BC, when, under Cleopatra, it fell to the Roman Empire and became a Roman province.


The success of ancient Egyptian civilization came partly from its ability to adapt to the conditions of the Nile River valley for agriculture. The predictable flooding and controlled irrigation of the fertile valley produced surplus crops, which supported a more dense population, and social development and culture. With resources to spare, the administration sponsored mineral exploitation of the valley and surrounding desert regions, the early development of an independent writing system, the organization of collective construction and agricultural projects, trade with surrounding regions, and a military intended to assert Egyptian dominance. Motivating and organizing these activities was a bureaucracy of elite scribes, religious leaders, and administrators under the control of a pharaoh, who ensured the cooperation and unity of the Egyptian people in the context of an elaborate system of religious beliefs.


The many achievements of the ancient Egyptians include the quarrying, surveying and construction techniques that supported the building of monumental pyramids, temples, and obelisks; a system of mathematics, a practical and effective system of medicine, irrigation systems, and agricultural production techniques, the first known planked boats, Egyptian faience and glass technology, new forms of literature, and the earliest known peace treaty, made with the Hittites. Ancient Egypt has left a lasting legacy. Its art and architecture were widely copied, and its antiquities carried off to far corners of the world. Its monumental ruins have inspired the imaginations of travelers and writers for centuries. New-found respect for antiquities and excavations in the early modern period by Europeans and Egyptians led to the scientific investigation of Egyptian civilization and a greater appreciation of its cultural legacy.

Order of events: Copy - Reading the paragraphs and translation - Produce a summarized text - read this out loud.

Original: Ancient Egypt


Use of TV Shows with subtitles to improve Speaking and Listening Skills

Main Objective: This activity is designed to improve the speaking and listening skills of one student, it can be applied to a reduced number of students, not more than five is recommended because of the teacher may lose the ability to help then all since this exercise requires a lot of attention from the teacher.

Methodology: The communicative approach focuses on language as a means of communication. Recognizes that all communication has a social objective - the student wants to be understood and understood.

Required Materials: Computer, charts, pictures, whiteboard, sound system.

Lesson Procedure: Continuously exposition to native English speakers through the use of subtitled YouTube videos with subtitles.

Expected results: Improve in general Speaking and Listening skills, improve speech recognition, and more articulated vocabulary. 

The Student: Junior is fifteen years old in the first year of High School and he is having difficulty in the understanding of the speech by native speakers in normal speed, this activity is designed to help the student comprehend speech and acquire new words, phrasal verbs, idioms, and slangs, which are all part of the real-world use of the English Language.

Beginning of the Activity

The student will watch a TV show, in this example, the Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, in an episode where he talks about the Health System in The United States in comparison with the ones in Canada and in the United Kingdom.

The student will watch the show with the subtitles in English and after that, he/she will watch again trying to speak with John Oliver, reading the subtitles. The teacher will help the student with a general understanding of what it’s going on, so the student doesn’t feel lost.

After watching the show, the teacher and the student could make a list of the new words and phrases they have learned and repeat those words before the beginning of the next section. This is an activity that will expose the English in its informal use

 Below we have an example of a CNN video informing about Mount Everest and general weather, the video has subtitles in English and is very easy to follow, keeping track of the spoken part of the video and the written part.

This activity must become a practice in the student’s life because it will not work with one section, this will have to be practiced many times for the results to appear.

End of Activity



Juliana Vailões Zanardi – English tutor

Students: Flávio and Isabela Souza

Age: 11 and 13 years old

Interests: Internet (videos, social medias)

Objective of the private class: How to make learning English more interesting

Methodology: Multiliteracy and Communicative approach


The main goal of the class was to make them see how English can be learned and used in a fun, lifelike situation and how it can be useful, once these students really don’t want to attend regular classes.

The activity was aimed at two students, who are siblings, and don’t like to study English. The aim was to develop an experiment, which I had already done in a school with kids, to see how magnetism works. After the experiment, I used Kahoot to check their understanding of the procedures and results of their previous work.

To do so, I developed a questionnaire in Kahoot about the steps and materials used to make Magnetic fluid and I sent them the link and game-pin to access it. Then, they used their cell phones to answer the questions in class. I set the timer for 30 seconds to use the competition aspect as an engagement motivation.

As a result, the students enjoyed the class, because they could use their cell phones. Also, I could see it encouraged them to use some of the words they learned when I asked for oral feedback of what they had learned, although they did it mostly in Portuguese due to lack of fluency to do so in English only.


Kahoot activity:


Reasons to use such methodologies: The multiliteracy methodology (in this case, the experiment and the use of an online quiz and the cell phone) is used to raise interest and help the students to get motivated. Also, the communicative approach will provide the students with the opportunity to learn from a realistic perspective, thus getting more interested and engaged.

Juliana Vailões Zanardi – English tutor

Student: Pedro Henrique

Year: 6th grade bilingual school

Interests: online game (Minecraft)

Contents to reinforce for the test: There is/ There are, many/much, few/a little, Past continuous/Past simple

Methodology: Multiliteracy and communicative approach

  1. The student likes to build things using the game Minecraft, so he will talk about one of his sceneries,  describing the materials he used and quantities using the correct determiners (many/much, few/a little). The tutor will take notes of the student’s choice of words. When the kid finishes describing the materials he used, the tutor will show him the notes and ask what he thinks is correct and why he chose that determiner. In the sequence, the tutor will correct what is wrong by showing the reasons for each use and congratulate the kid on his correct choices;
  2. The kid will now visit another player’s scenery and describe it by using There is/ There are ( and possibly quantifiers too) and give his opinion on his friend’s work, make suggestions on how to improve it or saying what he liked best.
The tutor will show a tutorial video:

And then, the student will pay attention to it. Afterward, the tutor will ask some questions like:

a)     How were you going to build your house before you saw this tutorial?

b)    Did the video change anything in your knowledge about how to build houses in Minecraft?

c)    How did he get those materials?

d)    Where did he store them?

e)    In the end of the tutorial, he was going to add some material, but he changed his mind and broke it. What was the material? Why did he change it?

After the student answers the questions, ask him to read the questions and analyze how the tutor asked them and why he thinks each structure was used (Past continuous/Past simple). After that, the tutor can explain and exemplify the rules that are not clear and congratulate the kid on what he already got right.

  1. As an ongoing process of learning, the student will report, orally by Whatsapp audio message to the tutor or recording a video of the game, what happened in the game in the following few days. He will have to describe what he was going to build and how he got the materials. Also, say the quantity of each material he used and why. And in the end, report his inventory by using there is and there are to describe his belongings.

 Reasons to use such methodologies: The multiliteracy methodology is used here to raise interest and help the student to get motivated. Also, the communicative approach will provide the student with the opportunity to discover how to use and practice such knowledge.


Isabel Cristina Xavier da Silva - English tutor                      RA: 211425

Studend: Emanuelly

Year: 7th grade - Private school

Content: Simple Present 

Methodology: Communicative approach

"The communicative approach is based on the idea that learning language successfully comes through having to communicate real meaning. When learners are involved in real communication, their natural strategies for language acquisition will be used, and this will allow them to learn to use the language." Site: British Council -

Emanuelly's purpose in studying English is to develop her English skills beyond in the classroom and we produce real and meaningful communication according to her objectives.

Step-by-step to an English class:

  1. Analyze the picture and ask her some questions.
  2. The student analyzes the picture and describes it. I should introduce a new subject.
  3. Explain with contextualized examples of the simple present.
  4. Provide the student with a few more contextualized examples.
  5. Check comprehension, ask her a few simple, straightforward questions about Simple present.
  6. Elicit what she is supposed to do the exercises.
  7. Give 5 minutes to complete the exercise.
  8. Check her answer.
  9. Introduce some daily routine vocabulary.
  10. Ask the student to repeat after you.
  11. Give her an example of Daily routine. There is a text and she will change the text's information and put her information.
  12. Speaking part - Ask her some questions about her routine. This part of your student is free, I should analyze her evolution to speak English.

In this class, I will use English and Portuguese in punctual moments, she has known a basic level of English.

She would like to improve her English.

Isabel Cristina Xavier da Silva - English tutor                      RA: 211425

Student: Yuri

Year: 9th grade - Private school

Content: Present perfect

Methodology: Multiliteracy is a “…kind of pedagogy […] in which language and other modes of meaning are dynamic representational resources, constantly being remade by their users as they work to achieve their various cultural purpose” (NLG, 1996, p. 64).

This methodology gives him knowledge about how it is important to study language in different sorts of contexts.

Content: Present perfect


Step-by-step to an English class: 

1. Analyze the picture and ask some comprehension questions. 

2. Provide the student with a few more contextualized examples. 

3. Explain the new subject and use real examples. 

4. Ask him some simple examples. 

5. Check comprehension, ask him a few simple, straightforward questions about Present Perfect. 

6. Elicit what he is supposed to do the exercises. 

7. Give him time to complete the exercise. 

8. Explain the difference between since and for. 

9. Give him some examples. 

10. Do some exercises - for and since. 

11. Play a game - this game the student has to use the present perfect in all forms. 

This is the opportunity to analyze his development in his English. 

In this class, I will use English and Portuguese because he doesn't know English. In his school, his English classes are only in Portuguese.